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Sam Hyde is a Freemason. He was used to try and recruit me. Freemasons hired me in Arizona slightly before Fishtank s1 started. They hired a Freemason informant/gang stalker, and have spied on me and harassed me for 2 years now. They joke to my face about specific details inside my house where things are placed, or will break shit and laugh about it. I have a home security system so this means they have government authorization to commit these crimes. They have also told me about my own internet browsing habits, so they certainly are authorized to use hacking tools to spy on people.
Let me guess, Peter Thiel who funds Sam Hyde, gave Sam access to Palantir's hacking tools? That's how he pre screens contestants too?
They used the contestant Josie as romantic bait, but since I didn't play ball they sabotaged me and to this day still lie about me on 4chan and harass me in real life.
I was specifically chosen because I threatened a federal civil rights lawsuit against a major employer (and would have won.) immediately after being mean to the HR director my face was published in a newspaper by the Freemasons spying on me.
I'm not allowed to have friends. I'm not allowed to have romantic interests. Freemasons have ruined my life and I can completely see how they gangstalk people into committing terrorism. I'm a smart guy, so I can see how if they did this shit to a retard on SSRIs, then they would commit terrorism.
But I won't hurt anyone. Just play super Mario Bros with the Freemasons. Sam's crew literally encourages me to attack Josie in real life, instead of directing my anger at the Freemasons. They act tough and enlightened, but they commit crime, then when you stand up they cry and act like the victim. They are all leeches on society. All Freemasons are evil people.