>>4298947Okay now you're starting to sound a little like me, that may be a red flag. Look man, I'll be honest with you. I've been with a supposed expert, who built an entire 30 year career around this specific issue. And in the end the man couldn't help me with shit. I took an intelligence test to tell me what I already knew. And I took a tism test which was literally nothing more than "hey now I can give your problem a name but that's about it". The way it currently seems to be they just have this huge amount of symptoms jumbled together under one common name and the best they can do is treat the symptoms. Depression meds if you feel like shit. Amphetamines if you have attention issues. SSRIs if you have OCD. The list goes on. These things seem to "help" some people, but they sure as shit didn't do anything good for me. I'm also being paid by the government to study at uni, which puts huge additional pressure on me. And all these pills fucked my ability to analyze and think critically.
So in the end I gave all my doctors a huge middle finger, dumped all my meds, and figured things out on my own. And that was the first time in my entire life when things actually started looking better. And what I basically did was, I literally weaponized my autism. I have huge control issues, like you said, making plans, appointments, dealing with unexpected changes in my schedule all stress me until I go catatonic. So instead of avoiding it, I decided to go balls to the wall full control-freak mode. All of my school work is meticulously planned. I changed my diet to perfect my daily nutrition/vitamin intake. I started working out regularly. I upgraded my wardrobe. If there's a thing you can do in life to make yourself look better or feel better, you can bet I'm doing it, all just to give me a slight edge when dealing with the world. It took an immense amount of willpower to get started, but now that I see it's working, it gets a lot easier. Take that for what you will