>>15129161>All buried in this tiny corner of the **33 ACRE** camp.>28,800,000 teeth.>243,000,000 bones to leave ash and fragments.>Never to be found again.Yet another glaring hole in the rube goldberg holohoax myth of trains, bug spray gassing, cremations, burials and missing bodies etc. They forgot an important step:
After cremation is complete, organs, tissue and fat are almost entirely burned. However bones and teeth survive cremation. These must then be pulverized using motorized blades at a later stage. The machine used for this pulverization process is called a cremulator. The bones are pulverized into a fine powder and it is these remains that form the "ashes".
The cremated remains from crematoriums that are returned to families are these bone fragments that have been processed down to resemble ashes. The cremation process does not actually burn the body and reduce it to ashes like a fire does when it burns wood. This is something NPCs are led to believe. The body does not burn that way. Just think back to pictures you've seen of bodies recovered from fires, war bombings etc.
https://www.google.com/search?q=bones+cremation+crushedFun fact: There are ZERO mentions of any cermulators at any of the camps in the whole of holohoax literature.