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Ok, well fucking done, you actually drew it. Well, at least it's clear enough for a native to spend less than a minute trying to guess what the fuck is that daub supposed to represent.
The last thing I'll teach you is how to remember it, because I fucking now you won't otherwise. Apart from drawing it at least fifty times (a hundred for those less capable of you), I will share my method with you. What do you get when you add an "a" before "nu"? No, it's "anu", are you fucking stupid? Anyway, who says "anu" all the time? Of course, russkis! And what better image of a Russian citizen is there than bandits from stalker? I'd argue none. Therefore, when you draw the thing, say along the magic phrase.
For the simple, first line, say 'A' (long 'a', dammit. Like 'ah', but without the 'h').
For the most of the second, a bit longer and more important one, say 'NU' (as I have told you to pronounce it).
And finally, when you get to the weird thingie at the end, say "CHEEKI BREEKI". I think even the least intelligent of you get why.
And that would be it! Well done, now you know how to recognize, write and pronounce the hiragana 'nu'! Only 47 hiragana, 48 katakana and at least, let's say, 2000 kanji left for us before we get to the grammar! That concludes our lesson, I am pretty sure your brains are at your limit anyway. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask them. You better make them worthwile though. (That means, unlike you)