>>11861875I get it I really do, I was raised christian myself
but unlike some atheists that give rrligion because god hates them for their faggotry or lesbo bifaggotry; I am of the more secular variety
I just don't understand why a concept of god is so neccesary in the machine, I can make my own rational decisions for what is good and what is bad and unlike some religious folk I don't have to pretend that everything I do is tight because I do a lot off ill will against fellow humans under my own volition
and unlike some other religious zealots I know that I can't just seek forgiveness in a box with a sleezy priest, I have to attone for my transgressions in order to not fail trust some people have miffs about after I did my deeds of misdeeeds
see religiousity generally doesn't bring much in a society other than instability between groups which leads to ostrscisation and once one party systems are in place the stability commences... but at what cost
it's an absolutely demoralising methodology and quite depressing really, especially given how secular folk can just walk the streets normaly with no need to undress into indecency, pickpocket anybody, shank somebody while nobody is looking, tell indecent lies for their own profit and yet unlike religious folk they don't need some mythical being that is supposedly infinitively superber than them to tell them these basic things
and again unlike religious they can see it's not all black regarding some questions can't be answered as easily as with contemporary emotions we hold for one thing as is the case with religious
but this is not the thing with the religious, zhis is the thing with poor people that live in hard situations; despite their religiousity they still tend to be horrible people angry at the world because it made them miserable tgey are so they lash out at passerbies and provoke profane customs as they shout obscenities