>>10643087 >wE're ALWAYs CHAnging BOUNdARies! wHerE doeS An ElbOw STarT or eNd? wHen DOes A YouTh beCOME An ADULT? Where dOEs aN OceAn chANgE INtO A sea? WHy MuSt OUr mINdS keEP DrawInG LINES TO sTrUCture OuR REalIty? tHE aNsweR iS THAT uNleSs we MaDE THoSE miND-constrUcTed bouNDARiES, WE'd NEvER sEe ANY tHINg at All! thIS iS BecaUsE WE rARElY see aNytHinG TWice As eXactlY ThE sAmE. EAch tiMe wE'Re almoSt cErTAin To bE lOOkIng FROm a somEwhAt DIFFeREnt ViEW, perhApS fRom neArEr oR fARther, HigheR OR LOwer, In A DIFFERENt COLOr or shAdE Of lIghT, OR AgainsT A DifFerEnT BackgrOUND.