>>19309323Unfortunately, the rippling of its paper body is so lifelike she does not immediately realize it is not real.
>"FORSOOTH! Can it be!? A dragon is menacing the good people of Spaghetti Town!? This cannot be allowed..... and yet, when no hero can be seen, it is up to me to become the hero of this story!" SHEE6 snatches up a sword from a display of replica Chinese relics and wares, and takes a battle stance. This is not entirely laughable; she attended the sort of private school that has a kendo after-school club, and acquitted herself capably there.
>"FIERCE DRAGON! Seek not to destroy these people with your cruel rending jaws or breath most fiery! I, the brave and resourceful SHEE6, am your opponent!"Amidst a panic from the workers trying to manage the float, SHEE6 charges forward with sword drawn, lunges, and.....