>>18189814(OOC: Time is distorted in WWA-land; this is a post-match promo following the match between Immaculate Connection and Raging Red & Miss USA, and it is happening well after Colby and Amy's hangout with Nikki Kade at the Divine Mansion pool.)
After the match, the victorious Colby Jefferson gives Amy Flame a big double-high five and then a big hug. Both members of Immaculate Connection pose together with their hands raised in victory and make their way backstage while Raging Red is still groggy from being put out by the Colby Clutch. Unusually, Colby is not full of taunts or gloating for her hated rival, Miss USA. She just looks her in the eyes with a serious expression on her face, nods in acknowledgement, and then leaves the ringside area with Amy.
Later still.....
After the match, in the locker room, someone has brought in a camera at Colby's request. Sweaty and harried, still in her ring gear, she addresses the camera.
>"Before we go, there's just a couple of things I'd like everyone to realize. The FIRST! As Raging Red just found out today, if you disrespect Amy Flame, Nikki Kade, Sapphire, or Priscilla Divine, if you disrespect the Divine Angels at ALL, then you're disrespecting people who've stuck their necks out for me, or lifted me up when I was down, or given me the support I needed to improve myself as an athlete and a person. I know how tempting it must seem to make a name at our expense, or blame us for anything that goes wrong, or make up absurd conspiracy theories about backstage intrigue. But the truth, while not easy to accept, is that we are the BEST in the WWA, and we are the ones putting in the work and keeping the lights on around here while so many others have gone into hiding or faded away. You don't have to THANK us, because I'm well aware that gratitude's a lost art here in the WWA, but the least you can do is show a little respect."