One last post. Look into non-kosher/zog sources on the impact of Telegony aka Microchimerism and it's impact on her body & mind.
Telegony & Microchimerism been open hereditary knowlege for a 1000 years or more by animal husbandry & breeders cultures. It's not a very "polite" topic to discuss in any way/shape/form in todays feminist-matriarchy zogged (((academic system))) but unfortunately it's a terrible reality nonetheless. someone gets to your daughter (or any young female), she'll be carrying his DNA in her brain and eggs for the rest of her life. The male's DNA will actually change her physically where she will become more like the man/men who fucked & inseminated her. It happens with every man that inseminates her. All of the non-virgin women that you know are walking around with the live DNA of scores of men in her brain & her egg sacks. This includes your own mothers too btw. If you have a child by one of these women, that child will carry the DNA of all of her previous male sex partners.
Those females carry the DNA of their nigger lovers both in her ovaries & iher brain. Every male that a woman/girl fucks deposits their DNA in her body permanently. It crosses the blood-brain barrier. It actually changes her genetic makeup and her future offspring. Their behavior is destroying us forever and they don't seem to give a fuck whatsoever. When you have kids with a whore your kids also have other genetic fathers, you're just the PRIMARY father. It's why it's important for young people to match & pairbond at an early age and marry before all the whoring & birth-controlling & gentic mongrelization & STD mutation all begins and takes root.
This is why whoring and child molestation is so utterly destructive to a female's future and her that off "her" offspring which often translates to dysgenics & birth defects and more.