Time to play the jew faggots.
If we want to win this war we must adopt the appearance of our enemies. We must take their propaganda campaigns to the next level, and make it so clear that white genocide and the destruction of the US is what they want that no normie could miss it. Time is on their side. They have been patient, planning their moves on year-long schedules, moving along at such a slow pace that most people don't pick up on what's happening. Things are changing though. If someone has the Steinlight plan pic, post it. Basically the pace of jew propaganda is steadily increasing, to the point where it's becoming more noticeable. The kikes know that people will realize eventually, but they're hoping it'll be too late by then.
Chaos is what they want. Let's give it to them.
Good video about ACCELERATIONISM vs racism,, he debunked racism
>it doesnt exist /pol/ is a great example of what Based Bellagio is talking about
>the BIG RED BUTTON THEORY We are not racist just cause we hate niggers qnd kikes, we hate them cause the media says dont touch that red button... and they are subhuman animals too
Watch this video and understand
What it means to watch the world burn!!!
>bonus memeCurious case of Jason Dalton MKUltra Uber killer