Why does the phrase "Christ is King" set jews and atheists off?
Anonymous No.19252262 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Is there some sort of political motivation for decrying this phrase? Atheists have always been low tier degenerate scum about Christ, but what is with the sudden Jewish backlash of people embracing the Truth that is Christ?
>inb4 you worship a jew
Sure, let's believe the jewish book, editted by jews, solely for jewish benefit that the virgin birth of Christ, as the Son and Avatar of God, somehow makes Christ a Jew. After all Jews, not unlike blacks, just like to try to co-opt everything and say they did it first.
>Is it too late to be saved by Christ's love?
No, unless you're Jewish, it is never too late to embrace Christ and reap all the benefits that come with.
>Why not jews?
Because Jews have, time and time again, defied God's will. Their corrupted, twisted, subhuman bloodline even sold their own brother into slavery because he would receive the gift of God and not Judah.
>In Conclusion?
Christ is King. Christ was not jew. Followers of Christ are not beholden to jews. In order to be a true follower of the Light and the Truth in Christ's Holy name, we must reject that which has been obviously co-opted by jews for the purposes of controlled opposition.