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Good bye bant uwu i hope tuwu god i nevew post own any othew boawd incwuding thiws owne fow the west of my wife. OwO Wet's see how faw i cawn gow cowd tuwkey. Stay off of 4chan. Sewiouswy as much as a beautifuw expewience 4chan awnd its anawchism ovew the intewnet, the tawes awnd wegends behind of the mass of 4chan wiww be a distant memowy. UwU Iwt's extwemewy fucking cweaw thawt the gowden age iws gone, down't spend youw time waiting fow a second chance of wecognition ow being pawt of something, the onwy fowks thawt awe wemembewed now; awe those who have buwnt theiw wivewihoods awnd weputations. uWu They may have got whawt they wanted suwe, but any memowies made of wepeat postews ow namefags awe nevew associated with anything witty ow eye opening. -w- The weason why i cawn onwy wemembew thewm iws because of theiw pitifuw wepeat posting causing a subwiminaw awnd subconscious degwadation of my mind. Iwt's aww juwst gawbage monotony aww the same behaviow of posts with a few tweaks hewe awnd thewe. >w> Weave 4chan if uwu stiww cawn, if uwu'we stiww young, if uwu have any sense of mind weft, if uwu couwd evew possibwy be a nowmie, get out. The onwy peopwe of significant wemembwance awe ones who teww the tawe of a bwoken husk of a man awnd the mind of bowdewwine maniac. Weave 4chan >w<