Jesus said quite explicitly “when you see all these things, know that he is near at the doors…Truly I say to you that this generation will BY NO MEANS pass away until all these things happen.” (Matthew 24:33, 34)
Since the events discussed in the video ( ) have stretched over the past 120 years or so, there could be no one person who saw them all.
But those anointed 'brothers of Christ' who did see - and understood that they were seeing - the Signs of the Times starting from World War One did actively share their observations, and discuss the significance of them, with other younger anointed brothers of their generation. The last possible anointed brothers of that generation are now in their fifties.
BY NO MEANS will they all die before the end comes !!!
All the prophecies are coming to fruition. JWs were the first to predict that the UN would be formed and that it would destroy the whore of babylon (the world empire of false religion)
We already see the King of the North rising against the King of the South (Russia vs the USA).
The prophecy of the feet of clay and iron coming to pass (democracy weakening the US' ability to act with authority due to political divisions)
Famines on the horizon, pestilences every year and wars brewing. It is SILLY to now of all times to make fun of Jehovah's Witnesses.