>>9960266>The more people involved in a conspiracy, the more quickly it tends to be exposed.Man do I hate proverbs. You see anon, even if this saying does correlate with reality from time to time, it's bare essence is empintess. It's just mindless drivel to repeat over and over. It might be true, it might be not, but just keep repeating it and you're bound to hit something. Sure, if the conspiracy in question is a pack of niggers conspiring to murder another outstanding individual of a dark persuasion, the more involved, the faster it unravels as someone is bound to get arrested anyways. Sure, why not. It's just that simpletons like you are able to only think in household terms, and thus assume that what OP meant is that every fucking morning every single news industry employee dons a black robe and marches to their local lair for a morning briefing from satan himself with a flow chart about their world domination in the background. Do tell me, have you ever held a job?