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Anyhow, once all the fifty year old alcoholics that are keeping it alive go away, there won't be a single soul who comes back to bowling after giving it a single shot, and the 90% won't bother with even that. I want to see bowling alleys gone. (Golfing fields, much more so.)
Honestly, if you did actually enjoy bowling, then why would you go to a bowling alley for it? Think about it. If you have fun with bowling, then it's because you like slinging balls at things and feeling good about it, which I suppose could be an appeal to some. So, why wouldn't you just buy a bowling ball of your own, some things that you could hit with it, hell, alongside things that you can reuse you should also get a bunch of fruit or glass bottles, they'd explode once you hit them with the ball and all, that'd be cool and add a little bit of the flavor that bowling needs.
Anyway, yeah, just get some objects and go outside somewhere where nobody will bother you, and have your fun throwing the ball at them. Or, I guess you need a special surface that bowling alleys have for the ball to roll properly? Who cares? Just swing the thing towards at the stuff you want it to hit, have it fly through the air and hit them, wouldn't that actually be way more fun that having it roll down through the ground? Granted, I guess it would make you tired, but whatever, you're even getting some exercise then, works out.
You should be throwing the bowling ball through the air at stuff, not rolling it. That's always what I felt like doing when playing marbles as a kid. Imagine throwing a bowling ball full force and breaking a bunch of lined up shit with it. Infinitely more fun.
But, at the end of the day, maybe you should just go shooting instead. I'm pretty sure that whoever likes throwing heavy things at objects and seeing them break would enjoy a shooting range.
That's all I've to say about bowling, I think. Bugged me for a while.
I need tea, something to play, might ramble about MW2 maps some more later.