>>17824553I been doing some research into this, basically i'm going to reintroduce her to meat slowly. Since she can't really eat that right away, afterall, my retarded avpd kinky wife fucked up her gut biome i decided to start with more gamey types of animals. I'll give her a couple of slices of buffalo alongside her cabbage soup, just lightly salted for now. That will be x2 a week, Friday & Tuesdays. Then we'll reevaluate after a month & move to goat, i make a delicious goat stew, again lightly seasoned by at this point it'll be x3 a week. M/W/F since those are my workout days & that's when we'll get our cardio in via ice skating. Slowly but surely i'll make sure to get her back to normal. I already have some grassfed meats in a deep freezer i can give her.