Quoted By:
Q is the biggest happening of all time, assuming it's real (which I do myself believe it is)
now we're going to assume it is real for the sake of discussing what the future holds assuming it is real
so IF real:
>adam schiff will be in the news majorly tomorrow
>next week major information breaks about FISA/DECLASS, implicating top officials of the Obama administration including Obama himself
>hillary, soros, john podesta, and crew will all face justice around november/election time
>move to gold standard/restructured fed (already 90% happened)
now this is all tame and normal and assuming everyone is guilty of the crimes they're accused of then the upgrades at Guantanamo Bay will come in handy for military tribunals which are all predicted to happen there with EO's all signally the same
here's where it gets interesting though
>project looking glass would be confirmed to exist and be used by military intelligence
this blows open the doors with what the US is capable of having and not only that when you investigate the lore surrounding the looking glass you find:
>it was handed to us by benevolent humanoid ayys
so that means if Q is real and we start to see all these arrest come to ahead that we will be facing a very near future far far far more advanced than anyone can even possibly fathom right now
because once project looking glass is confirmed to exist, which would confirm benevolent humanoid aliens, it then would confirm a ton of the lore surrounding the subjects which would make
>time travel real
>vast planetary travel not restricted by current limits the elite tell us restricts us
>potential breakaway civilizations
>stargate technology would confirmed to be real
>our ancient history being a lie and us finding the truth about our history would come out
>president trump being our last president as we move away from current geopolitics into an exopolitical system
>breakaway civilizations become highly plausible
honestly this opens up so much it's insane