>>10914730How does D@sTINY manage to absolutely nail the look of an absolute beta in ever photo that he doesn't take himself? He looks like a wimp even when he's in control of the photo, but in photos taken by others, exemplified by that one, he just looks like a straight up 100% natural beta. Like there's no path for someone like him to go, that lets him recover from his state. No wonder he lets other men fuck his girlfriend, no wonder he's a cuckold, and no wonder he tries so hard to be "right" and "win" debates even when his victory is that of defeating a position that he himself invented and ascribed to his opponent, that is so far removed from the original debate as to make the entire thing pointless. No wonder he won't debate any actual debaters, but only literally who e-celebs with 100 viewers.
Pokim@ne straight up looks like a soul-sucking demoness. The look she gives in this picture really nails the idea of a "semen demon". Lilypichu or whoever that is, looks just as clueless as she is. Poor girl has a brain the size of a pea. At least Pokim@ne knows what she's doing, that she's only popular because guys want to blow loads in her.