If you wonder how the Hollow Earth would function i imagine it to be like pic related. now it would usually collapse under its own mass and gravity, however there is something called the hutchison effect.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeUgDJc6AWEThis is effecting matter, from what i got from it, through electro magnetic vibrations, and deforms metal, and lets objects levitate, even ones that arent magnetic or metallic. the inner sun, said to exist inside the earth, could cause this effect naturally and kind of lock the earths crust in its position around it. inside the earth an anon mentioned the gravitational force would be uniform into all directions and thus basically nonexistant. however that hutchison effect might as well effect humans and hold them on the inner side of the surface
Now according to mainstream science the inner sun would be far too small to get the fusion started. however what if stars, or at least our sun isnt what we are told it is
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyHzv-QpRlswhen it really is some giant ball of plasma, what is that UFO doing there? i doubt the plasma it can take would be hot long enough to be usefull as energysource or for heating, so what is it doing there? this could hint towards the nature of our sun being something else than we are told.
furthermore faking the physics behind it wouldnt be too difficult. You give the scientist the assumption that our planet as well as the others are just solid balls, and our sun is a giant ball of plasma, and they figure out the (((physics))) behind it out themselves and formulate wrong laws based on wrong assumptions.
who gives the information about all the star and planets and what they are? its NASA and a handfull of other spaceagencies which all are shady as fuck. they would just have to give some wrong sourceinformation while everyone who works on different assumptions will be called a lunatic even though their assumptions are just as baseless.