>>8289460Reminder Muhammad is an idolater who kissed the Black Cube/Stone of Saturn, (with its rings represented by the people circling it)
Reminder that Islam is the sex religion that gives you virgins hence the crescent/star which represents Molech, the moon God and the star (Venus aka Ishtar) which is the God of love (hence sex religion)
Reminder that "Allah" was used by the pagan arabs to refer to the moon god (Molech/Baal) and Muhammad adapted that polytheistic term (Yes Islam is the same saturn cult posing as an "abrahamic religion"
Reminder that Allah(baal) and YHWH are two different gods. Allah is the devil and YHWH is the creator
Reminder that Muhammad married a 6 yr old and fucked her.
Reminder the purpose of Islam is to make sure its believers deny the resurrection of Jesus (thus damning them to hell)
Reminder that if you are Muslim you are unwittingly worshipping the devil