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The prophecies of the bible tell the truth about them.
The situation now is exactly as Biblical prophecy foretold, that in the last days the 13th tribe of Israel (there’s only 12 real ones) who call themselves THE jews but who are liars and who serve the final globalist empire, which is the synagogue of Satan, will infest the holy land and people will not be allowed to criticise them.
Pic related…
>our holy bible
They need to stop the insane claim that they are “the” jews as they are no more ‘the’ biblical jews than the africans or Americans who claim the same thing. We’ve had genetic testing for three decades now and a google search will show lots of headlines and “$experts$” saying that they are the biblical jews but every single one of the headings precedes 80 pages of mind bending and mental somersaults and ZERO of them head a simple genetic match.
I’m an anglo saxon. My blood has always been here in Britain, for millennia. I’m 99.5% anglo saxon, I have one Greek ancestor from pre 1600, probably thanks to the crusades. A simple straight forward genetic match proves my genealogy.
>13th tribe of israel
1% from roughly ‘the middle east’ means 99% from other places THEY ARE NOT “THE” JEWS. They are just jews.
Also on google as well as mind bending “1% from roughly middle east” means
>we are THE jews
Also type
>jewish big nose
And nootice how the people eho do not control the media do not have big noses, there is no evidence anywhere on earth that they have big noses, it is an anti Semitic trope and you cannot TRUST YOUR OWN TWO EYES - says the media/google. The LIARS are neurotic about this too.