>>22067728>Reduce consumption graduallyThe issue being that the vast majority of the people who are drinking a liter of 80 proof and chasing it with 6 or 8 beers every night are well beyond the point where they have much control over stopping once they have begun. You really don't get to that stage because you've got things under control enough to limit your intake.
>>22067729Good luck. If you find yourself over-shooting the mark you set for yourself when you do start drinking or find yourself drinking after you told yourself you wouldn't that's probably indicative of a problem though.
If you're not at that point be extremely careful you never let that shit take on a life of its own and take you there.
I become an absolute nigger when I drink and since I stopped that shit entirely my life has gone very well and I have had zero drunken trouble. I haven't shit my pants, thrown up, cracked up a car, got fired for being a fuckup on the job, made my mom cry, steal from my family, been in handcuffs, had a gun pulled on me or any of that other bullshit since summer of 95. Feels pretty good.