>>11904180yeah but adhd is something you have to work around you know. if that means that doing 5 minutes of work then 5 minutes of playing wow then 5 minutes of work again is most effective then that's what's most effective
i think the whole country is pretty much just trains with a handful of busses. my understanding is that in the countryside cars are pretty much mandatory, in the city you can walk/bike anywhere, and if you're in the suburbs you're pretty much just planning to take the train into the city for anything
a bit keyed
>>11904187heh pranked. i'm not actually going to report it
keyed viewer starting the race while she was unprepared
>>11904192yeah i just love twitch they're just such a heckin cool platform with such wholesome 100 streamers for me and the whole family to gather around and watch together
honestly i thought all the variations were going too. this isn't as bad in the end even if the stupidity is a similar level