>>20429583>You've been robbing them all that by bombing them and invading.Nah, we're building their character, and helping them set aside their differences and maybe finally unite under one version of Islam. They'd be thanking us for it in the long run if europeans weren't fucking it up by siphoning away all the young working age hands that could build that stratified islamic world.
>The problem is that it is being exploited.These people have names and addresses. It's all on europeans for letting it get this bad, if hundreds of thousands of children being raped is preferable to a few hundreds of thousands of politicians dying, I guess Little 8 year old Gertrude deserves to be gangbanged in an alley by a pack of Syrians until she's a broken bloody pile of flesh with various new holes cut into her.
>Or in the case of Palestinians packing them into an oversized prison.Palestine is a worthy sacrifice. This is The Great Redpilling of Normalfags I've been waiting for for 2 decades. The jews have conditioned leftists to hate whites due to colonizing and now those same lessons are going to be the nails that seal them in their casket of the American Holocaust and ensure the subsequent Golden Age. I cannot fucking wait.