>>19312716>>19313640>"YOU HEARD HER! EVERYONE OUT!"Amy's own voice echoed mercilessly in her head as the last of the stragglers gathered their belongings and left the room. The second the final member of staff had departed the redhead slammed the door closed and placed a chair under the handle - a symbolic albeit futile display as Sapphire could simply pass through the wall, floor or ceiling if she chose to leave. Amy wanted answers and maybe now she'd get them, even if they were things she didn't want to hear.
Pulling up a chair the redhead sat and digested Jen's words then listened quietly as Priscilla Divine laid down the law. There were things she knew, things she didn't know, things she suspected and things she didn't quite understand, clearly Jen and Priscilla had a relationship that Amy had been oblivious to, or perhaps intentionally kept away from. Battling practice in the basement? What was that about?
Amy snapped to attention as she heard her name mentioned, Sola was indeed someone she'd looked up to in her dojo days but that was a long time ago, if Sola Fire or Carmody Jefferson were going to join the team they were going to have to fall in line - behind Amy Flame, behind Colby Jefferson, "they're not taking my spot", Amy muttered silently to herself.
The Holly situation was different, Amy knew she was right to reach out to her fellow dojo graduate and she'd perhaps naively assumed that Jen and everyone else would've understood in the same way they did when she'd brought Colby Jefferson into the fold. Amy felt her foundations crumbling, maybe Amy didn't know Jen as well as she thought she did. What made her different to Sola or Carmody? Was it all a joke? An act of charity or pity?
Amy felt the room colden and the walls close in as Priscilla invoked the name of Lucy Lincoln, she could almost see Sapphire pacing angrily around the room. She said nothing, only watched and listened. She should've stayed in bed today.