>>9665413>Water is not very dense. The water trapped in the lithosphere is dissolved and it would take a lot to release it all then put it backYoure forgetting the insane amount of pressure the water would have been submited to, and do the math, it would have convered up te entire planet, even mountains
https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/water-properties-d_1258.html>>9665377The way the water is theorized to have went 400 km inside the earth is by the subduction zones, a rapid subduction occured and this caused the water to be brought back inside
The water from the flood came from the inside of earth when the divergent plates opened up the water (under extreme pressure) was released, which caused the continents to separate at speeds of even 60 km/h
>not to mention that an event like that would leave evidence in form of sediments and erosion that is not thereThere is, such as pic, or even the fact that amount of water exists inside the planet, how the fuck do you think it got there? It wasnt asteroids thats for sure
>Explain how there's cats AND lions, etcWhat do you mean?