>>4518815>As you are about to perform your dropkick you completetly fail your target, the arume confused just raises an eyebrow while looking at you with a Plain face.'What even...'
>>4518819>You start searching for the switch in the dark, and you spot something, it feels like a human face... After some minutes the light goes on and you see a man with Sunglasses and a Fez like pic related'What you doing in home?'
>He says with an arabic accent.>>4518832>You shake off one of the arume holding you and you shoot her in the hip, the Arume with beret not surprised nods to the soldiers around her.>The soldiers lift you up and shoot you in the legs and arms and leave you in a wooden cross that they prepared just in case.>You gotta wake up Again.>>4518849>You hold her tight and she just shakes by the winter and by how weirdly this situacion escalated. After some minutes the closet gets opened by some fellow, he seems to wear an overall, a hard hat and googles.'Now i've seen everything.'
>He says with a calm tone while chuckles and he leaves you two in the closet again, you can hear a banjo playing near of your position.