>>11856903>>11856913>>11856935>>11856940Excellents posts. Serbbro - have I encountered you in Julius Evola threads? I think we've had exchanges before. Please read him if you haven't - Metaphysics of war is a good place to start.
>>11856935This post is excellent advice. The single best augment, psychologically, is the establishment of an internal locus of self-evaluation - if you have this as a backbone, you can stand against the sensory and metaphyscial onslaught of the hylics easily. For me, it was extremely transformative.
Creativity for me is writing. I have learnt, simply, to write absolutely anyting and everything that comes into my head, whenever I can. Have absolutely no preconceptions. Simply create. If you simply engage in the act of creation, you WILL succeed. The quantitative idea that you have to consider your audience or anything else such as 'marketability' is also fictitious unless you are a hack or prostitute. The great writers impose their will on their reade3rs. They make them understand what THEY are, and damn the rest. Give no quarter to anything else - simply feel the fire in the bones and communicate it.