>>9989711honestly dude, 5'6" may be well into manlet status, but look at Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe, they're both that height and they have legions of women lusting after them. Just find what you're good at and do that. Sex is overrated anyway. I'm 25 and I've been in a committed 3 year relationship, as well as having had plenty of one night stands. Now I make remarks about the nature of women that would make /r9k/ blush. When you become a man you realize that mentally, women are overgrown children, they really are just as vapid as all the memes say, the only thing they universally respect is integrity and self control.
My advice is to pay absolutely no mind to women, zero, for at least a month. no porn either. Work out and bullshit with some male friends if you have any. If you have a skill you like doing, hone that until you feel like you're a contender in that field (vidya doesn't count, although competitive fighting games can be a fun way to unwind).
Basically, build yourself up with no regard to women and ironically they will start coming after you in droves. It's the great contradiction of the universe that you either get or you don't.