>>17909711>Another study took 555 men ages 18 to 25 (mean age=20.6, standard deviation=2.1) and had them fill out surveys testing them on how misogynistic they are, how much they adhere to traditional masculine stereotypes, and other characteristics. They had discovered that misogynistic men (N=44) had more one-night stands, significantly more sex partners, watched more pornography, committed more sexual assault and intimate partner violence, were more likely to pay for sexual services (43% of misogynistic men have paid for sexual services before), and often were involved in fraternities (58%), sports teams (86%), and intramural sports (84%). Misogynistic were compared and contrasted with normative men, normative men involved in male activities or groups, and sex focused men (men who engaged in an exceptionally large amount of sexual activity but are not necessarily misogynistic). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26496914tl;dr - porn does not decrease your libido.
Banning dating apps is not a bad idea, but I'd argue that social media and anonymous, urban living conditions are just as bad (where women have no immediate idea of their dating options but go out partying, meeting new men every weekend), not to mention that giving women access to higher education and enabling them to be economically independent is just as bad, if not the most important factor involved. People who only look at this from the perspective of incels not getting laid are missing that incels are only the tip of the iceberg. The much more relevant aspect is that women aren't having children. And while women are still having sex and dating men, they typically don't consider them good enough to have children with, seeing them only as temporary security providers until 'the right guy' shows up. For most women that right guy will never show up because their standards are completely unrealistic.