>>7871375>BAWWWWWW MUH F-F-A-A-ART>BAWWWWWW MUH F-F-A-A-ARTFucking Jesus, the French are such pussies. Acting like they care about their heritage when they are slaves to Muzlimbs. You know what we should do, just to give them some fucking perspective, we should launch a nuke and utterly demolish (((Jean-Notre Van-Dame))). We will then broadcast a message from its ruins reading the following
>This is Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States. Fucking Jesus, you French are such pussies. Acting you they care about you heritage when you are slaves to Muzlimbs. If you are unwilling to defend your country today, then you don't deserve to appreciate its past. Its not too late, but you must act fast, we don't want to make another example. Gamers rise up!