>>13500655Great start towards what. Bleh. Although it is a problem for me.
One of my greatest fears is being bothersome doesn't add anything. Any deeper thought I might provoke comes from a dead time, steeped in conditions impossible to recreate. Anything I add just invites the reader into my dead space. There was a video of a crazy tiktok woman going around earlier. Calling herself a doctor, and technically she was, PHD in public health-affiliated disciplines, hissing that people should die if they don't do their civic duty. Of course civic duty here means reify her oracular powers, when we know how her peers manipulate data to achieve the desired result sought by the entities who subsidise the programs tha confer her doctorate and credentials. And she has a kid or two. What could I possibly offer except doubt and headaches? Why should I be suffered to live at this point. The rough beast slouching towards Bethlehem, heralding a new world struggling to be born isn't helped by mutterings of old ghosts. And that's how they get you. They need permission to dispose of you, and maybe I want to give it to them. What do I have to offer.