>>12134244>It hit me then that you need to be happy on your own>Coping means to invest one's own conscious effort, to solve personal and interpersonal problems, in order to try to master, minimize or tolerate stress and conflict.>Types of coping strategies>Appraisal-focused coping strategies>Appraisal-focused (adaptive cognitive) strategies occur when the person modifies the way they think, for example: employing denial, or distancing oneself from the problem.That's just your natural coping mechanism kicking in. Do you know why being alone is a problem? Humans evolved to live in groups or tribes. If you happen to be expelled from the tribe it would mean loosing protection and death would soon follow. Kicking someone out of the tribe is one of the worst things that can happen to that person. You have about 30% greater chance of dying prematurely. You (and I) will never be happy because we are genetic fuckups that need to die. You don't even know how happiness feels. Do you see pic related? Having basic needs met is not enough.