>>17156459nope it's both. you neglect either you miss the core meaning.
one piece:
>>418326373John 17
>>418102531Parable of the Banquet
>>418102587The Good SHepherd and His Sheep
>>418102644John 15
>>418102734Gnosticism and slavation by faith
>>418104239Christ fren QA
>>418110617greetings goylem
>>418111247the soul can't lie
>>418111523religion identity matrix
>>418112947rev 14
>>418114122trade offer
>>418114496meta king
>>418115594God wins
>>418116792a simple fren machine
>>418116974ends and means
>>418117495asuka admit it
>>418117928he's right you know
>>418118445the Creator's Identity
>>418118658frenopolis sampler 1
>>418118871frenopolis sampler 2
>>418118958BEWARE AI
>>418328270BEWARE AI 2
>>418328668psyop typhoon