There, that's the lewdest pic you'll get out of me. And even this one is stolen from some other poster.
>>9894498The imptrash seems to be dying down lately. Problem is, some of those who make them on /pol/ are trying to make them here now. And I'm sick of hearing about racemixing and women on every second board I visit.
>>9894545Don't you like the other threads that are being made here? Most of them are alright. Even some of the imptrash can be interesting at times, but that's rare.
What I don't get is the k-pop general. What can those guys talk about for years on end?
>zeetzI don't know if going for someone like that means that you are lowering your standards. Zits can go away, but a massive schnoz, for example, won't.
>>9894864Sleep well.
>>9896104Those green eyes are kinda creepy.