>>13322921Every human alive is the cosmos becoming conscious to learn about itself. The cosmos not only exists within time but also outside of it (i.e. blackholes.)
Death after a long good life is nothing to fear. A human who dies no longer has a sense of self or a sense of time. From the perspective of the cosmos—of which you are a part—another day has gone by and another human is born to experience a new day.
How much do you remember as a baby or toddler? Is that baby or toddler "dead?" It depends on how you define "you." If you define "you" as genetics, then no, that baby is not dead but is still alive. If you define "you" as memory, then yes, that baby or toddler died long ago. People lose memories every day when they enter into the altered states of consciousness that comes from non-rapid eye movement sleep and rapid eye movement sleep (i.e. dreams.) The same goes with respect to humans, death, and the cosmos.
Do we define "you" as a body and memories and waking consciousness? Or do we define ourselves as part of the cosmos—willing to exist within and outside of time and always capable of creating new life and new intelligence? I know how I define myself.
Your agenda is to spread hopelessness and nihilism. Why? Because you're lonely in your misery? It won't change your predicament. Hopelessness and nihilism is exactly what you'll get in your dying moments.... Those moments should always be treated with sacredness. The cosmos gave existence to you for a reason. Inevitability. All you are doing is causing yourself needless suffering. But it can all be avoided by simply redefining "you."