>>6048097>be me, almost exactly 1 year ago>my buddy was leaving for a new job so we did it up the weekend before, I ended up taking a bunch of different drugs but I fell, hit my head super hard, and had the most heinous black eye for all time>show up for jury duty 2 days later, shiner is in full effect>get selected somehow despite the fact I look like I just got raped by Mike Tyson>its a traffic accident >we listen to testimony and see a recreation of the events>this old woman is clearly in the wrong, clearly made illegal U turn that was impossible for this guy to avoid>get to the part where we have to decide who deserves what in damages>foreman is black woman, fat as fuck>very first thing out of her mouth is, "okay we're all in agreement that the guy is in the wrong here, right?">nope>first me and another woman who was sort of smart had to explain the entire fucking case to her>then we have to assign damages>theres one white guy with gauged ears who keeps making weed jokes, which everyone on the jury loves except me and the other non retard from before>theres a black 18 year old girl and the fucking foreman who are making everything take twice as long because we have to explain everything to them twice>end up awarding the guy like $500,000 due to the old woman's negligence Honestly, it was an extremely negative experience and going forward if I am involved in any sort of litigation I will certainly opt for a bench trial. With that said, I am glad I went because if I hadn't then white trash and roody-poos would haven't awarded the victim shit.
mfw I performed my civic duty