>>19954618now i know youre a kaffir, the quran says anyone who rejects muhammad pbuh as the final prophet will be in hell eternally, so that includes all non muslims, jews , crosscucks, atheists and pagans, also im not mocking their book i just dont believe a prophet of god would impregnate his daugther
>And whoever has not believed in Allah and His Messenger - then indeed, We have prepared for the disbelievers a Blaze. 48:13>Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers and wish to discriminate between Allah and His messengers and say, "We believe in some and disbelieve in others," and wish to adopt a way in between - Those are the disbelievers, truly. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. 4:150-151>Should anyone follow a religion other than Islam, it shall never be accepted from him, and he will be among the losers in the Hereafter (3:85)>Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By the one in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, none from this nation of Jews and Christians hears of me, and then dies without having faith in my message, but that he will be an inhabitant of Hellfire.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 153