Quoted By:
>america will never develop a culture
>america will never be as good as europe
>america will still have 3rd world infrastructure and be awful
>america will never have nice cities that are crime free have soul have walkability or even a shred of beauty
>america will never be fixed
>america will always be a shithole
>america will never be a nice country
>american food will always be awful and gross most europeans avoid it like the plague
>americans will always be despised for being ugly fat and gross not a single person whos met one irl likes them
>america doesnt even have any beauty the little beauty it has is stuff untouched by mutts
>america will never have cool history
>will never have a good government
>cool rural communities like in europe japan and even fucking latin america
>every european whos had american food instantly gets sick fat and mentally ill
everyone whos been to America hates it all they see is ugly cities no soul no beauty walmart strip malls and shitty houses worse than chinas it not single redeemiing thing about america. india china russia brazil south africa saudi arabia afganistan pakistan and even fucking nigeria are probably better than living in america