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Im a ‘woman in tech’ like marketingtards love to name it, and its bleak the panorama. I feel completely betrayed by my gender. Over the years I’ve been 99% the only woman in the team, so the team culture is 100% masculine, and this makes it very very very lonely, im always misunderstood, im always assumed to be this or the other and if there’s a conflict of course the man in charge will agree with the man i have a conflict with. If everything goes great, the guy just wants to fuck this ‘quierky one’. I made, therefore, zero real coleagues as making friends with a man is impossible as you well know, you’ll never be a real person to them. If I try to be entrepreneur… well, I need a male middle man that talks their language (the male investors, ceos, etc) that control everything. Im not even looked at, even when I made 99% of the work. I now see how wrong I was getting into this. The thing is… im not mad at men at all, im mad at my own gender. Men just do what everybody does, they stick to their own. I expect my own to do the same, but it doesnt happen. I dont expect men to make it easy for me, I expect women to fight for it, and fight it together, support each other and create networks, projects, plans, and work hard for it. How naive I was, first thinking we lived in an egalitarian world were men would look at me as an equal, second thinking feminism had sense because women really deserve it. Truth is that women don’t have ambitions as men do, dont fight as men do. I hate all they do is complain, instead of shut up and do our thing, and proove misoginistic men wrong. We first said ‘we can do it’, then we said ‘we cant do it because of you’. The most bleeding part is the insane amount of bitches that pretend to be into the ‘women in tech’ world and they do anything but fucking tech. They’re all about ‘mentoring’ and ‘brainwashing’ companies into hiring women… I really want to kill myself. Everything was a lie.
Yes im autistic , ADHD and INTP.