blk boys cannot and will never be able to compete with White men sexually or evolutionarily. They are unadapated to life outside of the savannah and jungle and suffer for it constantly, they have weak obesity prone bodies with fragile immune systems that make them more vulnerable to every disease. black women know this and are increasingly abandoning blk boys for superior, more evolutionarily fit White men, even nature itself seems to acknowledge blk boy inferiority and curses blk boys with weak sissy sperm and non-functional "penises". blk boys have always been treated as slave cattle by superior races and have been unable to fight back or compete.
>black men's faces are rated as less attractive than White men's by every group of women>Asian, Latina, and White straight women all refute messages from black men in online dating>“black and latin men faced ‘discrimination,’ while White men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”>47% of Black adults report being single, higher than the share among other racial and ethnic groups. are master eugenicists and refuse to have sex with blk boys because their bodies recognize blk boy genetic inferiority. blk women orgasm less than women of other races because blk boys have inferiorty sissy clitties and women are aware of this. White men and BWC are the sexual apex and most desired by every race of women