>>18897289To be clear, I wasnt complimenting you. I was answering on how you refer to "racists"
From the infintilism and stunted growth Ive seen of the zoomies I suspect it might be necessary to make it clear. I know highschoolers that can comprehend the rules of Monopoly somehow. They play without trading, building houses, mortgages, anything. Just going around the board in circles... 6 year olds used to know better. I know a 14 year old who didnt know how to spell the word "Kite"... They wrote "Kit"...
Anyways. You want to know what it is to be a man. Learn to control things. Realize that you have to shape every idiot around you into doing what you need or want. Don't remove parts of your body because they feel "weird'. Even hair. Just shape them in a manner to show others your control of your life/body/mind/world