>>12145096Dead Jew on a Stick Worshippers are the absolute worst. Believing in their Invisible Sky Daddy is comparable to adult men believing in Father Christmas. I love how these insane freaks threaten normal sane people with whichever version of Hell they happen to believe in (it varies from Christian to Christian as they can agree on almost nothing despite the Bible containing God's crystal clear will) even though there is absolutely no evidence for any of it. It's most entertaining to witness these mentally ill lunatics turn on each other and argue viciously over what they think they need to do to go to "Heaven" (still waiting on evidence for that as well) and other meaningless Bible doctrine. What a disgrace it is that society still treats this delusional belief with any shred of respect since the Bible has been proven beyond any rational dispute to be filled with error and historical inaccuracies. Of course this means nothing to the pea-brained Dead Jew on a Stick Worshipper as evidence is not something they understand or even care about. I cringe when I perchance upon their nonsensical posts on this board, often congratulating each other for their psuedo-pious sentiments and other ludicrously embarrassing follies such as mocking those who don't believe in their retarded, outdated and backward belief - for which their is no evidence. I have personally talked at length with such vehement believers in this imbecilic stupidity simply just to try and instill a hint of critical thinking in them but with no success. The Dead Jew on a Stick Worshipper is simply incapable of any type of self awareness pertaining to their belief. After asking for a demonstration of evidence from them as to why I should also believe in their religion and be saved from the Hell that they are so desperate to warn me of, they can only offer the predictable and embarrassing motto engrained into their impressionable minds by their deranged cult. "I'll pray for you".