>>20686634>>20686639>[Grabbing Kelly's hand, the two start heading over to the store. Sheila hesitates slightly before replying. It's clear Kelly and Cassie are friends. But Cassie did something horrible to Sheila. Does Kelly know? Would Kelly care..?]"Me phone, ah, nah, it got fucked up 'round this toim last year. I ain't had one since. An ol' mate-a moin was meant ta gimme one-a 'er old ones but... well, some cunts turn out ta be ack-shal cunts, hey? I just use Kels' when Oi really need ta -- oh, da uvvah Kels, nyeh heh heh. Ba-soids, there's orlways cunts at bar that'll let ya use their phone. Just gotta flash what da Lawd gave ya. But oi, if we see summin' cheap Oi prob'ly should grab one, hey?"
>[Fuck it, now or never.]"Ya know, love... Oi dun fink Oi've mat Kazoo. Oi reckon we might get along a cheeky li'l bit. Ah, but Casso... fuck. Oi, d'ya remembah that little blonde chick, Sulu? Casso beat the fuck outta her last year. Did some messed up shit first as well, 'parrently. Oi ain't gonna tell ya to be careful or nuffin, I dun mean it loik that, but... befaw youse got here, Casso and I kinda almost got pretty fucken bad. Oi dunno if she 'membahs, and moight not even care no more, but, loik... juss so ya know. Oi don't reckon Oi'll be coming ta no senpai'ly reunions or nuffin, yeah?"
"Speakin' of, that cuz? Fuck moy, what a unit. She was in Goojy faw a while as well, yeah? Ya know, Oi nevah got ta try it ovah there. Spent me toim in BOOBA. Moight be one faw the bucket list, hey?"
"And oi, ya ma... aww, shit, sorry ta hear, mate. Ah, wait, ya ma -- Dorf, yeah? Oi fah-got about dat. Oi remembah seein' dat match wiff... shit, Gogo 69 or summin? One a the reason Oi went ta Japan meself back in the day. Ya old lady's a fucken ledge, mate. Shit, youse really is part-a some famous senpai'ly shit, hey? But yeah, nah, if she ain't doin' well then let's cheer her up!"