>>21776174He's a Christ tard and these threads are for Pavlov's dogs of 4chan.
The God of the Christian Bible is making sure there is no more rebellion in his heaven, because Satan and his demons have already rebelled and he will no longer tolerate that in his church or heaven. The gaytheists on this board won't point this out. When I was into Buddhism I would point out "Why the would I want to go heaven with Jew who kills his own soldier so he sleep with his wife and hide his bastard son? Why do I see sinners doing better than me because I live a moral and legal life while Christianity punished me? Why do I see a fuck up of a Christian get ahead of me while he does evil and repents then me who got fucked over, the victim? What kind of God does that? The Christian one apparently."
The Christian God is trying to stop the pride that caused the rebellion, while Buddhism is obliterating the ego to the point of mind controlled suicide.
tldr most of these anti Christ threads are toxic, you won't learn much from them anymore.
>>21776179They know more about the human body, to the point they can suicide or undergo surgery without pain killers with only meditation.