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Its her only thing of value and she knows it. So do 99% of other women in the world. Females rely more on their subconscious emotional brain than their logical, rational prefrontal cortex. Thru evolutionary history, they have been given a role for their sex. To select the best genes, birth, and nurture them. Not to be strong, creative, smart, competitive, but to accept the best DNA in her womb. I can’t comprehend why most men give a shit if she is “smart, funny, interesting, has the same hobbies” etc. and looking for a woman with a degree and career? Well you got to be a complete cuck to be into any of that. Women aren’t here to compete with us in the workplace, to boss us around, to be able to dictate where we send the troops next or to be drafted into the army or to be prison guards or cops(female cops/guards tend to sleep with inmates, convicts, criminals they catch, female troops tend to sleep with the enemy). They aren’t here to vote and decide where civilization is going next, because civilization is specifically a man’s space. Only male energy can maintain a civilization. Female energy is there to reward male energy for hard work and bringing civilization into existance. A nice pair of soft warm cushions and a vagina to sink your warm cock in after a hard day of work maintaining civilization is all a cunt will ever have to offer a man. That and children to love you and for you to be able to teach your civilized ways to so civilization survives after you die.