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>Sister is 5'2 and 20 stone
>BMI of 51
>tfw she refuses to accept that she is overweight
>refers to BMI as 'Bloody Myth Index' and says that 'it doesn't account for her muscles or the fact she has an orbital digestion'
>orbital digestion is how she insists her food rotates around her stomach before it digests, hence expanding it
>literally eats takeaways and frozen unhealthy food all the time
>literally eating McDonalds now, her second in 2 hours
>have not seen her eat fruit in years
>she loves all the fat acceptance models, and is always taking pictures of herself like this
>refuses to get a job because 'the work would ruin her youthful appearance'
>looks at least 40 despite being 22
>tfw parents encourage her to not lose weight, and mother in fact replaced all the mirrors in the house with tiny hand mirrors to make sure nobody feels like they look fat because 'big mirrors always make you look big'