Mark Hemans (pastor from Australia) once met a man at a Healing conference..
The man said he hated his father, because of a history of sexual abuse from his early childhood.
Through the Holy Spirit, the man could find the strength to forgive his father...
and soon after Mark heard, that all homosexual desire was taken out of the man's life, simply by trusting in Jesus.
Mark Hemans - HOW DEMONS OPERATE in a person's life DEMONS CAN STOP the EXPRESSING or RECEIVING OF LOVE, damaging family & marriage relationships
The works of Jesus are great.
Anything is possible for God.
I've seen many cool things happen through his online meetings using Zoom during this lockdown. (Mark Hemans from Jesus Encounter Ministries)
AUTISTIC BOY HEALED! While asleep sees Jesus & golden castle in heaven from birth, right hemiplegia, instant weight loss, leg grows... demonic voices, schizophrenia, chronic back pain, trembling hands reveals the secret prayers of a small boy, a porn addict and an arthritic woman. manifesting at the power of Jesus