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Women don't care what men do as long as they're tall and handsome and approved by their social circle. They'll take a tall handsome gregarious guy who is a drug dealer rapist over an average-height wageslave who always pays his taxes on time.
You will never see a decent world in your lifetime unless shit collapses from some catastrophic event. The current state of women means the world is only pump and dump playground for a few guys before some loser marries the broken scraps and tries to desperately tell himself she isn't a broken whore while tactically avoiding confrontations with her emotions screaming that the man she married isn't the best cock she's had.
The smart men just avoid it all, because who wants to deal with a fucking nightmare whore wife who will tell your broccoli-haired kids "don't listen to your father" when you start telling them niggers are bad, because you sure don't want to tell your son "your mother probably fucked niggers don't listen to her."