>>18805575Amy smiles as she takes a left turn onto the main road.
>"I have a good life. I never had a family but I have friends who want what's best for me. Good friends are hard to come by in this business, so if you manage to find one or two who'll have your back no matter what you should make sure you do right by them."The car slows to a halt at a stop light.
>"Priscilla and Nikki can be... difficult but they're good people really. Priscilla's the champ and that's a lot of work, Nikki and I were at each others throats when I first broke in and now I can't imagine what life would be like without her around. Things don't always go the way you planned so be flexible, at least that's how I try to live."Amy smiles at being thought of as cool just as a car full of young men pulls up alongside Amy's lambo aggressively revving their engine evidently looking to race.
>"Take this for example."Amy makes eye contact with the driver, grins, and revs the engine of her Lambo twice in response. As the light changes from red to green the neighboring car shoots off at high speed, from the right a police car lights up and takes off after the speeding car as Amy pulls away at a sensible speed.
>"But also be smart, Kestrel."